Got Ink Tattoo - Everything About Tattoos 2008 176 Pages | PDF
Everything About Tattoos 2008
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Upgrading And Repairing Laptops
Ebook ini isinya tentang cara upgrade dan memperbaiki notebook, laptop atau portable komputer atau apapun istilahnya lah. Seperti yang kita tau notebook tuh beda banget ma pc yang gampang diupgrade. Nah di eBook ini dijelasin apa aja yang bisa diupgrade buat meningkatkan kinerjanya dan juga ada tips2 perawatan biar notebook yang kita pake tuh awet dan gk jauh menurun performanya.Juga dijelasin cara memperbaiki notebook yang bermasalah secara gamblang dan jelas.
Komponen Delphi
Buat yang sering ngikutin blog saya, maaf nih beberapa minggu yang lalu adalah minggu yang sibuk banget. Selain bikin software juga, gawe juga. Oh ya skarang gi nyobain gawe dilapangan....Cape juga tapi funs and enjoy banget.Kerja di salah satu bank perkreditan rakyat (BPR) sebagai marketing ternyata gak semudah yang dibayangin, selain target juga kita musti banyak berhubungan dengan banyak individu yang pastinya mempunyai sifat yang beda2. Beda banget ma jdi programmer yang banyak behubungan ma coding2 yang bukan kadang2 tapi seringnya bikin stress :) trus seringnya didepan komputer. Disini jadi banyak belajar untuk fokus pada 2 bidang kerja yang berbeda cara kerja tapi punya satu tujuan utama yaitu menghasilkan lah :). Sama kaya sekarang gi refreshing sekalian ngeblog he..he.. kli aja da ide. Oh ya buat programmer yang pake delphi saya ada oleh2 komponen neh yang bisa didownload secara gratis.
Tapi klo kmu ngerasa bermanfaat mending register aja deh. kan kasian dah pucing2 eh di pirated :). Buat belajar juga ok jadi ada referensi buat nambah ilmu. (Saya termasuk tipe yang terakhir yang katanya juga punya istilah buat transfer ilmu gitu he..he..). Ok langsung aja acak corak pilih warna list komponen yang ada dibawah ini...Happy coding and keep learning.
eBook Nokia Network Security Solutions Handbook
The Nokia Network Security Solutions Handbook introduces readers to both the basics and the finer points of administering, configuring, and securing the Nokia IP-series hardware appliances. It introduces readers to the different hardware models and covers the features associated with each. Installation and setup are covered in detail, as well as installation and configuration of the Check Point firewall on the Nokia system.
Readers will learn basic system administration, security, and monitoring before moving into advanced system administration concepts, as well as learning how to use Nokia's command line interface. Routing configurations and the different protocols involved are covered in detail, finishing off with a comprehensive discussion of the High-availability configuration that is Nokia's strength. The appendices include coverage of the UNIX basics which lie at the heart of the IPSO operating system and a review of the other packages available for Nokia systems (such as Perl and Bash).
The only book dedicated to coverage of the latest Nokia hardware and software offerings, from the SOHO appliances to the enterprise-class IP700 series, with an emphasis on administering and securing these systems.
Long-term market potential. The operating system referenced will be Nokia IPSO 3.4.1, which has an interface that has been specifically tailored to make upgrading to newer versions of IPSO simple and intuitive. In addition, the underlying interface is UNIX based, which has been a constant for over 30 years.
Up-to-the-Minute Web-based Support. Once they have absorbed the content of the book, readers can receive up-to-the minute links, white papers, and analysis for one year.
eBook Building powerful and robust websites with Drupal 6
Building powerful and robust websites with Drupal 6
380 pages | Packt Publishing (February 1, 2008) | 1847192971 | PDF | 5 MB
This book updates the bestselling Drupal: Creating Blogs, Forums, Portals, and Community Websites for Drupal 6, the latest, much improved version of this popular open-source Content Management System. Targeting readers with little experience in website design, unfamiliar with PHP, MySQL or HTML, and with little to no experience of Drupal, it looks pragmatically at the steps needed from knowing you want a website right through to designing and building it like a pro, and then successfully managing and maintaining it. Experienced author David Mercer uses a friendly, engaging style that is clear and concise, allowing readers to advance rapidly until they can tackle any problem with confidence. Drupal is an elegantly designed, well-supported and flexible open-source CMS platform that empowers anyone to create a website or blog and is rapidly becoming first choice of people in the know. With this powerful tool you need not pay professionals to design a site; you can do the job yourself.
eBook Tips dan Tehnik to The Top of the Search Engine
Get to the Top on Google: Tips and Techniques to Get Your Site to the Top of the Search Engine Rankings -- and Stay There
Nicholas Brealey Publishing | ISBN: 1857885023 | 2008-05-01 | PDF | 240 pages | 2.2 Mb
Ditulis secara jelas dan tidak menggunakan bahasa tehnik yang rumit, oleh seseorang yang ahli di SEO (optimisasi mesin pencari), GTTTOG menjelaskan teknik-teknik dan strategi yang terbukti berhasil untuk menaikkan peringkat suatu web anda ke peringkat atas dari search engine.
Keep Learning Guy's
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Foundation Flash CS3 Video
Video is one of the most exciting features on today??™s Internet, with widespread adoption being made possible by advances in bandwidth and software. But simply streaming video clips to Web users is only the tip of the iceberg! Flash CS3 offers a whole host of advanced video features, allowing you to create breathtaking user experiences.
And this book, the 2nd edition of the critically-acclaimed Foundation Flash 8 Video, shows you how to make the most of video in Flash CS3. The authors start with the basics of creating video ready for use on the web using popular applications such as Windows Movie Maker and iMovie, creating FLV (Flash video) using both Flash and other applications such as Sorenson Squeeze, and importing that video into Flash.
With that out the way, then turn their attention to essential practical techniques such as creating and customizing video players, applying blends and**** s to Flash Video, effective use of video alpha channel and masks, captioning, cue points, interactivity using the Camera object, going full screen, and much more.
This edition is fully-updated for Flash CS3 and ActionScript 3.0, and includes many new examples.
Learn how to create video for the web using popular applications such as iMovie and Movie Maker, and turn it into Flash Video using Flash, and other tools such as Sorenson Squeeze
Learn several essential practical techniques for manipulating video in Flash
New edition fully-updated for Flash CS3 and ActionScript 3.0, with new examples
What you??™ll learn
All the essential video features of Flash CS3 and ActionScript 3.0
How to create video using iMovie and Windows Movie Maker
How to process that video into Flash Video (FLV) using Flash, Sorenson Squeeze, and Flix Pro
How to create a video player and customize it
How to apply fantastic ****s and blend modes to your video
How to use masks with video
How to create applications with multiple videos
How to allow the user to interact with your Flash using the camera object
How to add captions to your video
How to work will full screen video
A whole host of tips and special effects
Who is this book for?
This book is for anyone who wants to learn Flash video from the ground up.
For download copy link to your URL
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